Reading Note: "Threats to Pre-trained Language Models: Survey and Taxonomy"
Guo, Shangwei, et al. "Threats to pre-trained language models: Survey and taxonomy." arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.06862 (2022).
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Guo, Shangwei, et al. "Threats to pre-trained language models: Survey and taxonomy." arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.06862 (2022).
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Pre-trained language models (PTLMs) have achieved great success and remarkable performance, while there are growing concerns regarding their security issues.
Reasons that make PTLMs particularly vulnerable:
Threats can occur at different stages of PTLM pipeline (pre-training, finetuning, inferring) raised by different malicious entities (model publisher, downstream service provider, user);
Two types of model transferability facilitate attacks (landscape & portrait);
Four categories of attacks based on different attack goals (integrity threats: backdoor and evasion attacks & privacy violations: data and model).
Autoencoding Model (AE): pre-trained through corrupting input tokens and attempting to reconstruct the original sentences (e.g., next sentence prediction, masked language model -> BERT: pre-train deep bidirectional representations, some input tokens are replaced by [MASK]).
Autoregressive Model (AR): trained to encode unidirectional context and predict the token of current time-step according to the tokens read before (e.g., text generation -> GPT).
Pre-training: Model Publisher (MP) trains a foundation PTLM from enormous unsupervised corpus.
Fine-tuning: Downstream Service Provider (DSP) obtains PTLM from MP, and transfers it to a specific downstream model (usually append an auxiliary structure such as a linear classifier to PTLM, and fine-tune with downstream corpus in a supervised manner).
Inferring: DSP deploys the fine-tuned model as a NLP service, and provides APIs for users. When receiving text queries, the inference system conducts forward propagation to obtain the output.
Integrity Attacks: to compromise the integrity of model parameters or predictions.
Backdoor: by malicious MP, embed backdoors into PTLM, which can be activated by malicious input (containing specific triggers) of the downstream model.
Evasion attack: by malicious user at inferring time, craft adversarial examples to mislead the downstream model to produce wrong results.
Privacy Attacks: to steal sensitive information from pre-trained or downstream models.
For data: by DSP or user, recover attributes, keywords, or entire sentence of training corpus.
For model: by user, extract the proprietary pre-trained model.
Landscape Transferability: downstream models from the same PTLM share similar language representation features, transfer attack between them.
Portrait Transferability: inject backdoors into PTLM, inherited by downstream models.
To inject the backdoor to the victim model by poisoning the training samples or directly manipulating the parameters. The infected model still behaves normally for clean samples, but outputs wrong predictions for input containing attacker-specified triggers.
Two categories based on adversary’s knowledge:
Task-specific attacks: adversarial MP has knowledge of downstream tasks (e.g., fine-tuning methods, partial or full finetuning corpus), and builds backdoored PTLMs specifically for those tasks (e.g., RIPPLe [1], context-aware generative model-based [2]). Not realistic in most cases.
Task-agnostic attacks: enable the embedded backdoor to transfer to arbitrary downstream models (e.g., BadPre [3], NeuBA [4], POR-based [5], layer weight poisoning training [6]).
A malicious user designs adversarial text inputs, which are semantically indistinguishable from normal ones, to mislead the target downstream models in the inferring phase.
2.2.1 White-box Attack
To compute the malicious input based on the model parameters (e.g., measure the gradient distance between normal and adversarial words [7]).
2.2.2 Black-box Aattack
A possible strategy is to construct a shadow model from which the adversarial examples are generated (has high chance when shadow and victim models are transferred from the same PTLM).
Two categories based on the granularity of adversarial perturbations:
1) Word-level attacks
Heuristic generation: design perturbation through pre-defined rules (e.g., TextFooler based on word importance [8], swarm optimization-based method [9], Adv-OLM to select words for replacement [10], population-based optimization [11], syntactically incorrect word generation [12], transformer-based extension of TextFooler for high transferability [13], population-based genetic algorithm for high transferability [14]).
Automatic generation: leverages an additional model to automatically generate substitution words to achieve better semantic indistinguishability (e.g., BERT-Attack to find important words by the [MASK] [15], BAE to utilize contextual perturbations from a BERT masked language model [16], CLARE through a mask-then-infill procedure [17], modification with shared words [18], MORPHEUS to perturb the inflectional morphology of words [19]).
2) Sentence-level attacks
Craft adversarial sentences with exploitation of sentence structures and contexts, instead of replacing certain words (e.g., irrelevant sentences for machine reading comprehension [20], T3 with tree-based autoencoder embedding discrete text into a continuous representation space [21], paraphrase datasets [22, 23]).
ML models can memorize data [24], which allows malicious DSP or users to steal key information of training or inference samples from embedding codes and PTLMs.
Three categories according to the type of extracted information:
Embedding inversion attacks: DSP can invert the original sentence of an inference input based on the corresponding embedding code [25].
Attribute inference attacks: MIA [25] (also see another reading note here) & keyword inference attacks (whether certain keywords exist in an unknown inference sentence) [25, 26].
Corpus inference attacks: extract the training corpus from PTLMs [27] or downstream models [28].
A malicious user could perform model extraction attacks (MEAs) to reconstruct the proprietary model by querying the system in the inferring phase.
Two categories according to the extraction goals:
Accuracy extraction attacks: extract a model with similar accuracy on the text data as the victim PTLM (e.g., task-specific query generator [29] and algebraic extraction attack [30], both against BERT-based models).
Fidelity extraction attacks: to steal a PTLM with similar behaviors as the victim one (e.g., imitation attack [31] and querying gibberish data for monolingual models [32]).
Robustness enhancement: an arms race - between designing more sophisticated attacks against backdoor detection or removal methods (e.g., [33, 34]) and combining the characteristics of PTLM systems with conventional robustness solutions (e.g., adversarial training [35]).
Trade-off between utility and security: obfuscating model parameters or inference behaviors is common for preventing information leakage (e.g., added Gaussian noise to defeat MIA [26]), but can affect the utility of PTLMs.
Transferability improvement: to reduce the attack transferability of PTLMs while maintaining its generalization.
(For backdoor threats, it is valuable to devise a finetuning method that only transfers the knowledge of PTLM for normal data while forgetting the knowledge of malicious data with triggers.)
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